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What we do

How we work Global Focus is committed to strengthening Danish development cooperation by cultivating a robust, diverse, and forward-thinking civil society that is both effective and resilient. We achieve...

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Sådan arbejder vi Globalt Fokus bidrager til at styrke dansk udviklingssamarbejde og medskabe et stærkt, mangfoldigt og visionært civilsamfund, der er slagkraftigt og modstandsdygtigt. Det gør vi gennem...

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FN’s verdensmål for bæredygtig udvikling er en omfattende og ambitiøs dagsorden med potentiale til at forandre verden i en mere bæredygtig og retfærdig retning. Skal dette opnås, kræver det, at verdens...

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Development policy

DANISH DEVELOPMENT POLICY AND –COOPERATION View House Global Focus works purposefully to be a knowledgeable, critical, constructive, and influential key player in Danish development policy...

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Dansk Udviklingspolitik og - samarbejde View House Globalt Fokus arbejder målrettet på at være en vidende, kritisk, konstruktiv og indflydelsesrig medspiller i dansk udviklingspolitik og...

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Working group for public affairs

Public Affairs WORKING GROUP ON View House Global Focus' working group for Public Affairs, colloquially the PA group, deals with the political processes and opportunities available to influence...

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Working group for migration

Migration WORKING GROUP ON View House Migration and displacement play an increasingly bigger role in Danish and European development policy, and we see an increasing tendency to use development...

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Working group for equality

Equality WORKING GROUP ON View House The working group for Equality focuses on equality in Danish development aid and international work. We focus on gender equality however, we have a...

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