The General Assembly serves as Global Focus' highest authority. During this assembly, members determine the overall organisational and strategic framework for Global Focus' work. They also decide on the political and strategic framework for professional and political efforts, including the overall work plans. All Danish civil society organisations that share Global Focus' vision and mission and have core activities in development, environment, and humanitarian work, can participate in the general meeting. However, only paying members of Global Focus have the right to vote.
The general assembly meeting takes place once a year towards the end of the year.
Læs referatet fra den ordinære generelforsamling november 2022 her. Herunder finder du tidligere referater
- Læs referatet fra den ordinære generelforsamling november 2021 her.
- Læs referatet fra den ordinære generalforsamling november 2020 her.
- Læs referatet fra den ordinære generalforsamling november 2019 her.
- Læs referatet fra den ordinære generalforsamling november 2018 her.
- Læs referatet fra den ordinære generalforsamling november 2017 her.
- Læs referatet fra den ordinære generalforsamling december 2016 her.
- Læs referatet fra den ekstraordinære generalforsamling januar 2016 her.
- Læs referatet fra den ordinære generalforsamling 2015 her.
- Læs referatet fra den ordinære generalforsamling 2014 her.
The political leadership of Global Focus is the Members of the Board, which consist of 15 members and up to two alternates, elected at the annual general assembly meeting. The Board meets five times a year.
Read the Members of the Board’s rules of procedure here (Danish).
Board members

Kristine Mærkedahl Jensen
International director, Danish Family Planning Association

Eva Grambye
Executive Director: Strategy, Programme & Learning, Danish Refugee Council

Kathrin Wessendorf
Director, The International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA)

Lars Koch
Secretary General, Oxfam IBIS

Vibe Klarup
Secretary General, Amnesty International

Rikke Nagell
Head of International Department, AIDS-Fondet

Agnete Schønau Winther
Conservation Director, World Wildlife Fund: WWF
Kristine Mærkedahl, Deputy Chairperson
- Marianne Kress, Deputy Chairperson
Jeef Bech
Lars Koch
Signe Lund Christensen