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Working group on Local leadership

Local leadership Working group on View House Global Focus’ working group on Local leadership aims to strengthen ours, our members’, donors’ and relevant actors’ efforts towards promoting...

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Own house in Order

OWN HOUSE IN ORDER WORKING GROUP ON View House Global Focus coordinates the working group 'Own House in Order' in collaboration with The Danish 92-group.   The working group collects cases,...

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Climate mainstreaming

Climate mainstreaming WORKING GROUP ON View House The working group for climate mainstreaming is dedicated to equipping Global Focus members and other interested organisations to integrate...

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A future fit civil society

A STRONG FUTURE FIT CIVIL SOCIETY View House Global Focus is determined and committed to promoting a visionary and inclusive civil society that is innovative, transformative, and resilient....

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Et future fit civilsamfund

Et stærkt og future fit civilsamfund View House Globalt Fokus arbejder målrettet for et visionært og inkluderende civilsamfund, der er modstandsdygtigt, innovativt og transformativt. Vi...

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Orden i eget hus

Orden i eget hus Arbejdsgruppen for View House Globalt Fokus koordinerer arbejdsgruppen om Orden i Eget Hus i samarbejde med 92-gruppen. Arbejdsgruppen har fokus på at indsamle cases, udvikle...

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Klimamainstreaming Arbejdsgruppen for View House Arbejdsgruppen for klimamainstreaming ruster Globalt Fokus’ medlemsorganisationer og andre interesserede organisationer til at integrere...

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