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The working group for Development and climate policy focuses on climate justice. The climate, environmental, and biodiversity crises require political solutions that address equality, human rights, collective rights, and the historical responsibility for climate change. 

The working group convenes approximately every other month to develop shared positions, analyses, and political recommendations within key areas of climate policy that are significant to member organisations and their partners in the global South. Some of these areas include: 

  • Providing clarity about what greening development aid constitutes, as to avoid greenwashing.
  • Ensuring that green initiatives in developing countries respect and promote human rights and equality while also contributing to CO2 reductions and climate adaptation.

  • Ensuring that development aid contributes broadly to poverty reduction and the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Global civil society, particularly climate and environmental activists from regions already affected by the climate crisis, must be included in the global climate negotiations.

The working group maintains an ongoing dialogue, particularly with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Climate, Energy, and Supply, on Danish and international political processes, such as the UN climate negotiations, Denmark's development policy and humanitarian strategy, the global dimension of the Danish climate act and action plan, Danish positions in the EU, and The Green Climate Fund, among others. This dialogue is facilitated through initiatives such as Green Partnership.

Do you want to know more?

Sigrid Bjerre Andersen

Thematic Coordinator for Sustainability and
Policy advisor: Climate

+45 53 34 06 46
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Sigrid Bjerre Andersen

Thematic Coordinator for Sustainability and
Policy advisor: Climate

+45 53 34 06 46
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