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2. Articles, guides and relevant reading

Below please find relevant articles, guides and relevant reading for organisational learning.


No. Articles About
1. SOL. Organisatorisk læring på dagsordenen i CSO-miljøet. Katrine Dietrich og Rina Lauritzen Trautner. Globalt Fokus 2015 (in Danish). Overview of SOL capacity programme and elements.

Action Learning Consulting – Strategisk proceskonsultation i teori og praksis. Thorkil Molly-Søholm, In: Erhvervspsykologi, vol. 11, marts 2013 (in Danish).

Working with an action learning partnership approach.
3. The Chaordic Stepping Stones. C. Corrigan. Complexity and learning.
4. Collective Story Harvesting. Mary Alice Arthur. Method for collective learning and documentation.
5. Four Fold Practice. Mary Alice Arthur. Facilitator of learning.
6. Learning Question Tool. Bruce Britton, Framework. Developing learning questions.
7. Organisational Learning In NGOs – creating meaning, motive and opportunity. Bruce Britton, Framework/Intrac In Praxis Paper No. 3 (INTRAC) 2005. Organisational learning.
8. Powerful Questions. Catalyzing insight, innovation and action. E. Vogt, Juanita Brown and David Isacs. Working with questions as learning tool.
9. Reflective practice. Bruce Britton/Framework. Reflection and learning.
10. Strategisk videnledelse. Bo Eriksen. professor, ph_do. Know/edge Lab OK og Institut for Organisation og Ledelse, Syddansk Universitet I Civiløkonomen Nr. 4, 2004 Kompetencetillæg (in Danish). Knowledge management.
11. The Art of Harvesting. Monica Nissén & Chris Corrigan. Planning your harvest.


No. Guides and frameworks About
12. Circle Practice Guidelines. Check-in and check-out guidelines.
13. Trio Story Sharing. Dialogue
14. Open Space Guide.

Open Space Description         

No. Relevant Reading  
15. Learning Framework Outline. Bruce Britton, Framework.  Guide to defining organisational learning framework
16. Argyris, Chris (1991) Teaching Smart People How to Learn, Harvard Business Review, May-June 1991, pp5-15. Single-double-loop learning.
17. Smith, M. K. (2001) 'Donald Schön: learning, reflection and change', The encyclopedia of informal education. Learning and reflection.
18. Book: Cooperrider, D.L. & Whitney, D (2001) A positive revolution in change. In Cooperrider et all., (eds.) Appreciative Inquiry: An Emerging Direction for Organization Development Appreciative Inquiry.
19. Book: Peter Senge: The Fifth Discipline’, 1990 The learning organisation.
20. Book: ‘The Circle Way – a leader in every chair’ by Christina Baldwin and Ann Linnea, 1992 Circle Dialogue.
21. Book: Open Space Technology: A User's Guide", by Harrison Owen. Open Space.
22. Book: Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation", Lave and Wenger, 1991. Learning in communities of practice.





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