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About Global Focus

Global Focus is an association of Danish non-governmental organizations that are engaged in global development, environmental and humanitarian activities. Global Focus represents more than 80 civil...

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Our Governance

THE SUPREME AUTHORITY IN GLOBAL FOCUS The General Assembly serves as Global Focus' highest authority. During this assembly, members determine the overall organisational and strategic framework for Global...

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About us

About Global Focus View House UNIFYING PLATFORM  Global Focus is a platform that brings together over 80 Danish non-governmental organisations engaged in global development, environmental...

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Politisk ledelse

Den øverste myndighed i Globalt Fokus Generalforsamlingen er Globalt Fokus’ øverste myndighed. Her fastlægger medlemmerne de overordnede organisatoriske og strategiske rammer for det arbejde, som Globalt...

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Om os

Om Globalt Fokus View House Samlende platform Globalt Fokus er en platform for mere end 75 danske folkelige organisationer, der engagerer sig i globale udviklings-, miljø- og humanitære...

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Globalt Fokus og persondata Globalt Fokus behandler alle persondataoplysninger i overensstemmelse med den til enhver tid gældende lovgivning. Således behandles de personoplysninger vi indsamler om dig...

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Become a Global Focus member

Would your organisation like to become a member of Global Focus?   Send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in which you state your...

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Our members

GLOBAL FOCUS’ MEMBERS Global Focus brings together a wide range of Danish organisations and associations that, in their diversity of organisational forms and work areas, represent Danish civil society,...

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Vær med

Hvis din organisation endnu ikke er medlem af Globalt Fokus, kan du læse om hvad et medlemskab indebærer og hvordan I melder jer ind her. Ønsker du og din organisation i højere grad at præge hvilken...

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Copenhagen, 1564

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