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Civic Space

The Civic Space working group aims to make Denmark a leading advocate in protecting freedom of expression, assembly, and association, as well as civic space, which is currently facing worldwide limitations. In partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and global partners, the group organised the Claiming Civic Space Together conference in 2019, which produced recommendations for how Danish actors can secure civic space internationally.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the working group launched the #ProctectCivilSociety campaign to address increased attacks and restrictions on civil society. As a result, the Minister for Development and Foreign Affairs prioritised this area, leading to concrete actions by the Danish government to support civil society politically at the UN and financially through rapid response mechanisms. In 2021, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs granted the Claim Your Space fund for rapid response to Global Focus, which now assists Danish NGO partners in danger around the world. 

To participate in our civic space efforts, you can contact Julie Arrildt or Sigrid Schiøler.

Do you want to know more?

Julie Arrildt
Policy advisor:
Civic Space

+45 45 28 94 42 27
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Sigrid Schiøler
Policy advisor:
Civic Space

+45 60 19 20 04
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Julie Arrildt
Politisk Rådgiver:
Civic Space

+45 12 34 54 78
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Sigrid Schiøler
Politisk Rådgiver:
Civic Space

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