CSO Futures, Innovation & Partnership Programme 2016
Through CSO FUTURES, INNOVATION & PARTNERSHIP PROGRAMME Global Focus offers a series of events, workshops and labs that will assist our members and the Danish CSO environment in preparing for the future.
The world is changing as is development aid. We believe one of the consequences is that we as CSOs need to rethink our purpose, role, contribution, and funding. At one level, we need to understand the radical changing global context in order to respond and adjust to it. At another level, we need to develop new strategic skills in innovation, leadership, building of partnerships, ways of working with volunteers, as well as development of future business models – in order to continually being capable of responding to this changing and complex world.
We will engage in strategic, reflection, development and dialogue around ‘burning questions’, such as:
- What is our future role as Danish-based CSOs?
- What should be our particular characteristics and contributions in the future, and how to become explicit about this?
- What kind of change do we need to go through in order to create future-fit organizations and how?
The programme aims at providing:
- A “take-off” in relevant global and local agendas, characterising current change and the future context of CSOs.
- Concepts essential for working with organizations’ role, identity, leadership, values, and contributions
- Exploration and conceptualization of how we as CSOs can work with innovation in the future.
- Exploration of, and dialogue about, what future partnerships may look like – and what future roles in the North could be.
CSO FUTURES, INNOVATION and PARTNERSHIP PROGRAMME is developed with inspiration from international actors such as International Civil Society Centre, Berlin and BOND, London.
Find an invitation for the programme here.
APRIL 28: ‘The World of Tomorrow’ – CSO Futures Kick-off Event
The CSO FUTURES, INNOVATION & PARTNERSHIP PROGRAMME will be kicked-off at an event consisting of two sessions facilitated by Burkhard Gnärig and hosted by Global Focus:
9-11: CSO Leadership of Tomorrow – Leader session: A dramatically changing external environment will challenge Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to undertake transformative change. As these organisations shift from the incremental change they are used to in depth transformation new forms of leadership will be required. Rather than applying leadership approaches originally developed for the corporate sector CSOs should revert back to their own visions and missions as a base for re-inventing themselves and as the rationale for change. CSO leaders should lead their organisations by vision. This session presents the new concept “Leading by Vision” and explores how it can best be used to lead transformative change. The session is open to CEOs and senior leaders only (e.g. directors, general secretaries, senior managers including international and programme managers, chairs etc.).
- 11.30-16: ‘The world of Tomorrow’ – Global Trends, Context and Implications for CSOs – Open session: Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) are confronted with fundamental changes to their operating environment: political, social and environmental challenges threaten their programmes, shifting funding priorities by governments, foundations and individuals impact on their finance base and digital communication and the resulting disintermediation make their traditional roles obsolescent. CSOs will either adapt to these changes quickly and continuously, or slowly fade away. The Workshop will explore CSOs’ options to manage emerging disruptions by embracing new opportunities rather than being paralysed by the threats: to ride the wave rather than being swept away.
JUNE 9: Workshop – Fit for the future? Exploring future CSO Scenarios
The second workshop will make organisations explore future scenarios for civil society organisations through inspiration from Duncan Green, Oxfam International, and exploration of future scenarios - and Mille Bøjer, Reos Partners who will introduce participants to test and apply the Transformative Scenario Planning methodology.
How is our understanding of development changing? What are the implications of these changes, whether practical or conceptual, for the future role of international non-government organizations (INGOs)? Based e.g. on his forthcoming book, How Change Happens (OUP, October 2016), Duncan Green, Oxfam GB's senior strategic adviser, summarizes some important trends both in how international development is taking place, and how it is understood by scholars and practitioners. He proposes a 'power and systems approach' that rejects the universally application of simple, linear interventions and highlights the merits of alternative approaches, such as bringing together stakeholders to find joint solutions (convening and brokering), or rapid iteration based on fast feedback and adaptation.
The workshop includes a separate session for leaders.
NOVEMBER & DECEMBER: IMPACT INVESTERING – Risiko eller mulighed for danske civilsamfundsorganisationer?
Er ’impact investments’ blot øget konkurrence om de pressede bistandsbudgetter, eller udgør de en mulighed for ny, innovativ finansiering og effekt for danske civilsamfundsorganisationer?
Som en del af vores ’CSO Futures, Innovation & Partnership Programme’, inviterer Globalt Fokus dig til at deltage i et forløb på tre sessioner, hvor vi - som et led i at udforske organisationernes (fremtidige) forretningsmodeller - vil sætte fokus på én af dem: ’impact investments’. Her vil vi, i samarbejde med Mandag Morgen Sustainia, udforske de risici og muligheder denne mega-trend udgør for din organisation. Hvordan reagerer organisationerne på denne mega-trend? Er der plads til civilsamfundsorganisationer i ’impact investments’-feltet? Og kan dette være et redskab til at innovere den måde, din organisation arbejder på?
Læs mere om forløbet og tilmeld dig her.
A Global Focus working group has identified themes for the programme, and a working-group of 4-6 dedicated member representatives will follow and give input to the CSO FUTURES programme, which means that themes, form and methods of the events in pipeline may change. For more information – including information about the possibilities of involvement: Katrine Ohm Dietrich,
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